Saturday, February 19, 2011

Notes from video

Messiah: Behold the Lamb of God
Matthian version
Lukan version

Sermon on the Mount -- Sermon at the Temple (3rd Nephi)
Non-LDS scholar from Harvard --in Matthew, Jesus is teaching as a Rabbi -- reinterp law of Moses to fit His day
in 3rd Nephi, speaking as the Messiah

Come unto me  18-20

23-24 Then come unto me
Jesus has replaced the altar as the center of salvation

Be ye therefore perfect Matt 5:48
3 Nephi 12:48

glorified being

Then healed them.  -- miracles -- all manner of sicknesses

What is meant by the Sermon on the Mount   (8-sided building)
both temple texts -- allusions to, connections to the most sacred teachings and central celebrations of ancient worship

Context of temple
Sermon on the Mount
they do have a Heavenly Father -- temple desire to enter God's presence

giving a specific understanding of what happens in the temple
Matthew 6:9
jewel -- the Lord's prayer
when you pray
when ye (plural) pray
formal prayer
what people did in temple settings in the  ancient world
Psalms of Thanks: Recognizes what God Does  -- God for what He does
Psalms of Praise:  Recognizes who God is  -- God for what He is
 Praise -- Hallowed be thy name

Pedition -- forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors
doxology short hymn of praise often added at the end of psalms, etc.
For thine is the kingdom, . . . .

Following the sermon -- miracle after miracle -- His actions reflecting the very nature of His teachings 

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